Aims & Objectives
The quality of every person with mental retardation is equal to other citizens in the country in that they will have independent living and community integrating to the maximum extent possible.
Through constant professional endeavours empowering the persons with mental retardation to access the state of the art rehabilitation intervention by qualified people viz., Educational Therapeutic, Vocational, Employment, Leisure and Social Activities, Sports, Cultural Services and Full Participation.
To act as a resource center for protection of rights, equal opportunity and full participation for the persons with mentally retardation.
Aims & Objectives
- To identify and Rehabilitate the persons with Mental Retardation.
- To provide the Education for the Children with Mental Retardation.
- To provide the Vocational Training and Job placement for the persons with mental retardation.
- To provide the residential facilities.
- To integrate the mentally handicapped children with normal children.
- It will raise the funds through donations from organizations and individuals.
- To improve the over all quality of life of the rural people and weaker sections of the society, particularly disabled, women, children and aged.
- To undertake and participate in programmes pertaining to health, education, employment, and rehabilitation of the disabled.
- To seek the collaboration and co-operation of other voluntary and Government agencies for development activities and programmes.
- To conduct and or participate in seminars, camps, conferences, research and training programmes.
- To aid and support deserving persons with disabilities and the aged wherever and whenever necessaries
- To organise, undertake, co-ordinate guide, assist and promote integrated Rural Development approach.
- To give orientation to participate towards developing modern self supporting Youth and Mahila Associations in the villages.
- To spread a sport culture among Rural Youth through co-operative and regular tournaments.
- To help the rural innocent people in all activities and make them to participate in all existing Government programmes through our societies activities.
- To organise and undertake and develop Educational Institutions for needy and down trodden people, wherever and whenever necessary.
- To mobilize and organise the Rural Community in awareness and general education for development activities.
- To initiate and encourage the education of women, children and disabled on question regarding their rights and duties.
- To motivate and train rural mass about practicability and utility of Appropriate Technology and upgrade their capacity and skills.
with Hostel Facility
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Veligonda, Telangana, India
Sadhana Institute for the Intellectually Challenged and Home for Senior Citizens needs helping hand from the Donors
Pls refer below link for further details.