Success Stories
A Success Story of A Child
SRIKAR is 11 year old male child was diagnosed with cerebral palsy with mental retardation. He was unable to hold the pen and no clarity of speech. Now the child is under intervention for Special education and speech & language and Physiotherapy was given regularly Intervention focuses on neuro motor improvement, speech. He was given training in kneeling and half kneeling , walking in parallel bars with out support and cycling and peg board activities to improve finger extension. We found good improvement in his neuro motor skills . Now his is able to hold the pen and writes simple words and does single digit additions He also developed adequate attention during certain activities such as crafting , puzzling and pasting pictures. We feel that he will improve with proper training and guadance to become productive number of the society.
PIYUSH 12 year old male child was diagnosed with secondary in autism Autism Spectrum disorder. Prerequisite skills of speech and language. He was unable to sit attentively for some time, participate in activities and Interaction during the therapeutic and academic sessions. He has severe echolalia and finger fidgeting, his comprehension was very poor, was unable to follow simple commands, was unable to identify regular house hold items, Skills were inadequate and use to vocalize and occasionally used few syllable compositions inappropriately to the context.. He was poor in peer group interaction.
Now the child is under intervention for Special education and speech & language as well as behavior modification for the last 3 months. He is able to sit attentively during class room and therapeutic activities .
Intervention focuses on prerequisites skills such as attention, eye contact and smiling. He has developed adequate attention during certain activities such as crafting , puzzling and pasting pictures. Eye contact is fairly developed, He began to mingle with families,known people, peer group and smiling at them. During academic sessions he learnt to hold the pencil and copy the words such as names & fruits, vegetables, animals. Began learning mathematic calculations like single digit additions and subtractions.
Child is introduced to time, money and action word concepts. He is able to follow simple one step commands with gestures and requires 2-3 repetitions. Echolalia is considerably reduced. Child expresses in 4-5 words on demand.
Pruthvi Rama Krishna Varma is 9 year old boy with mild intellectual disability joined in the school in the June 2018. His mother is also mild intellectual disabled. He is independent in self care skills. He is pre primary group and he is autism student. When he had come nobody could follow his speech. But he can identify basic primary colors (Red,Yellow and Blue).
Presently one year half training in this organization he has improved considerably. Now he has learnt to copying the letters and words. He follows the directions of adults and does the work with instruction. He loves to make building blocks. He is also sent for speech therapy.
Now he is being trained with few activities to make him very actively in the school. On the whole we feel that with the teachers, therapists guidance and attention he will become productive member of the society.
SUHAS is 6 year old male child was diagnosed as down syndrome day scholar with an I.Q of 45
Sensory : He was not cooperating to learn motor. Now he cooperates for learning. He can identify hot and cold, Hard and soft, He can discriminate angry and soft voice.
Motor: He is climbing up and down the stairs Fine motor skills were not developed. Now he can hold the pencil and scribble and can write few (1-5 ) Alphabets. In English. He can unscrew the bottle now which he could not do . Now he is trying to buttoning the board in the class
Self help. He was not cooperating for any self help skills. . Now he developed in toilet training, Dressing training and eating skills
Social : He was always idle in his own world. Now he can mix and participate in group games with his peers. He responds to adults also
Communication: His comprehension was very low and he was left alone Now he can respond to simple phrases and can express through guessers and babbling.
Other skills according to his IEP are being worked and the parent follow up is further needed. He has also developed some imitation skills which is good sign for his development.
On the whole we feel that with the teacher’s, therapists guidance and attention, the child has developed as per his age. He can develop other areas is too in future.